he Vancouver Lions Club is one of 11 Lions Clubs located in Clark County, Washington U.S.A. The Lions clubs of Clark County are part of a network of 49,000 Lions Clubs of 1.4 million men and women in more than 200 countries and geographic areas world wide. Lions clubs work together to answer the needs that challenge communities throughout the world. Each Lions club carries out its own service projects and fund–raising activities based on the needs of its community and the resources available to the club. Contact and meeting informtion for each of the Lions Clubs of Clark County is listed below:
Battle Ground Lions Club (Battle Ground, Washington)
- District: 19–N
- Zone: 10
- Club number: 7881
- Charter date: 6/30/1971
- President: Kenneth Steinke
- Home phone: 360-687-7026
- Email: kensteinke3@gmail.com
- Secretary: Donna Klementz
- Home phone: 951-529-3261
- Email: petey.barber1@gmail.com
- Meetings: 7:00 PM 2nd & 4th Thursday
- Website: https://www.bglions.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/p/Battle-Ground-Lions
Camas Lions Club (Camas, Washington)
- District: 19–N
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 7884
- Charter date: 12/15/1938
- President: Stephanie O'Dell
- Cell phone: 360-608-3395
- Email: stephanieodellcamas@gmail.com
- Secretary: Casey O'Dell
- Work phone: 360-524-1133
- Cell phone: 360-772-4497
- Email: caseyodell1127@gmail.com
- Meetings: 6:00 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Website: https://www.camaslionsclub.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CamasLionsClub
Hazel Dell Lions Club (Vancouver, Washington)
- District: 19–N
- Zone: 10
- Club number: 7888
- Charter date: 3/20/1963
- President: Linda Lundin
- Home phone: 360-604-0893
- Email: lundinll@gmail.com
- Secretary: Kathy Morrison
- Home phone: 360-576-5819
- Email: lionkmorrison@gmail.com
- Meetings: 7:15 PM 1st Wednesday
- Website: https://www.hazeldelllions.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/p/Lions-Club-Intl-Hazel-Dell-WA
La Center Lions Club (La Center, Washington)
- District: 19–N
- Zone: 10
- Club number: 43611
- Charter date: 3/2/1984
- President: Edie Brannon
- Cell phone: 360-608-1537
- Email: theediezone@gmail.com
- Secretary: Kathleen Rogers
- Home phone: 360-952-9939
- Work phone: 503-668-6195
- Cell phone: 360-952-9939
- Email: kir97266@gmail.com
- Meetings: 6:00 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Website: https://lacenterlions.club
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/p/La-Center-Lions-Club
North Clark Lions Club (Amboy, Washington)
- District: 19–N
- Zone: 10
- Club number: 7906
- Charter date: 12/6/1954
- President: David Lund
- Home phone: 360-609-2768
- Email: dlund000@centurytel.net
- Secretary: Antje Ward
- Home phone: 360-686-3319
- Meetings: 7:00 PM 1st & 3rd Monday
- Website: https://e-clubhouse.org/sites/northclarkwa/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NorthClarkLionsClub
Ridgefield Lions Club (Ridgefield, Washington)
- District: 19–N
- Zone: 10
- Club number: 7910
- Charter date: 10/11/1948
- President: Josh Olson
- Cell phone: 605-490-1627
- Email: tjosh2@yahoo.com
- Secretary: Gary Cimina
- Cell phone: 925-286-6708
- Email: g.cimina@comcast.net
- Meetings: 6:30 PM 4th Wednesday
- Website: https://www.ridgefieldlions.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RidgefieldLions
Salmon Creek Lions Club (Vancouver, Washington)
- District: 19–N
- Zone: 10
- Club number: 40606
- Charter date: 12/11/1981
- President: John Niemela
- Home phone: 360-768-8789
- Email: niemeladad@gmail.com
- Secretary: Douglas Ballou
- Home phone: 360-903-3993
- Work phone: 503-230-5173
- Cell phone: 360-903-3993
- Email: dougballou@comcast.net
- Meetings: 6:00 PM 4th Thursday
- Website: https://salmoncreeklions.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/365340857950465/
Vancouver Lions Club (Vancouver, Washington)
- District: 19–N
- Zone: 10
- Club number: 7915
- Charter date: 9/12/1928
- President: Kevin Doyle
- Cell phone: 360-903-7918
- Email: president@vancouverlions.org
- Secretary: Susan Nellor
- Home phone: 360-696-1657
- Cell phone: 360-513-7036
- Email: secretary@vancouverlions.org
- Meetings: 6:00 PM 1st & 3rd Thursday
- Website: https://vancouverlions.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VancouverLionsClub
Vancouver Dawn Lions Club (Vancouver, Washington)
- District: 19–N
- Zone: 10
- Club number: 31014
- Charter date: 6/30/1975
- President: David Goggin
- Cell phone: 360-695-0778
- Email: djgoggin@comcast.net
- Secretary: Brian Wolfe
- Cell phone: 360-546-2015
- Email: bwolfe@bhw-law.com
- Meetings: 7:30 AM 2nd & 4th Tuesday
Vancouver Fort Vancouver Lions Club (Vancouver, Washington)
- District: 19–N
- Zone: 10
- Club number: 7892
- Charter date: 4/15/1955
- President: Mike Cavanaugh
- Cell phone: 206-713-9175
- Email: armd17thcav.wa@yahoo.com
- Secretary: Gay Enyeart
- Cell phone: 503-799-1099
- Email: s.enyeart@comcast.net
- Meetings: 12:00 PM 1st & 3rd Friday
- Website: https://fortvancouverlions.org
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FortVancouverLions
Washougal Lions Club (Washougal, Washington)
- District: 19–N
- Zone: 11
- Club number: 7917
- Charter date: 3/6/1940
- President: Sue Semke-Fox
- Cell phone: 360-823-3381
- Email: chrisfox10@aol.com
- Secretary: Semke-Fox Sue
- Cell phone: 360-823-3381
- Email: chrisfox10@aol.com
- Meetings: 6:30 PM 2nd & 4th Tuesday
- Website: https://e-clubhouse.org/sites/washougalwa/
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/WashougalLionsClub
Membership in a Lions club is open to all persons of good moral character and reputation who are over the age of 18. There are no limitations to membership based on business, profession, industry, employment, gender, gender identity, gender expression, religion, military service, ethnicity, race, or affiliation.
If you are interested in joining a Lions club or want more information about the Clark County Lions, contact the Zone 19N–10 or 19N–11 Zone Chairs, Shelley Staudinger at (360) 521-0706, Robert “Casey” O'Dell at (360) 772-4497.
If you are interested in starting a new club, or learning about the status of prospective new Lions or Leos clubs in Clark County, contact the Zone 19N-10 Extension Chair, Doug Ballou, at (360) 903-3993.