Serve Your Community
Join The Vancouver Lions Club
Membership in the Vancouver Lions Club is open to all persons over the age of 18 who are willing to sacrifice time to serve the needs of our community. The sacrifice of time is not taken lightly by Vancouver Lions. Whether you can give a little or a lot, your commitment will be honored by your peers and appreciated by your community. Vancouver Lions enjoy serving the needs of our community and we enjoy the fellowship and company of our fellow Lions. Friendships among Vancouver Lions and their families come quickly and easily, and last lifetimes. If you are interested in joining, want more information or would just like to visit to check us out, please contact our membership coordinator, or submit an online membership application. You are also welcome to join us any time at one of our regular meetings.
Fun, fellowship, service
The Vancouver Lions Club meets twice each month. Meetings typically involve a dinner followed by a program or presentation. Members help our community with service projects and fund raising activities, and by supporting local, national, and international Lions Club programs. Activities include fund raisers, social events, and interesting programs at regular club meetings.
Come as you are
As a member of a Lions Club you are not required to buy any particular clothing or costume. You wear no special hats, have no secret passwords and endure no mystical initiation rites. There are no tricks, gimmicks or surprises. Members simply follow the Lions Objects and Code of Ethics that form a common bond of all Lions serving their communities throughout the world.
Immediate acceptance
You have nothing to prove: Lions accept you as you are. Lions do not care whether you are a doctor or a doorman, whether you have a Ph.D. or a G.E.D. There is no place for snobbery in the Vancouver Lions Club. You are welcomed whether you are 18 years old or 80 years young because age does not matter. And Lions do not care what your religious beliefs are. The Vancouver Lions Club welcomes all persons as members without regard to race, ethnicity, identity, expression or orientation.
Peer approval
When your friends, neighbors, co–workers and business associates learn that you have joined the Lions you are likely to receive their approval. People are aware that Lions do good things in this community. They may not comprehend precisely what it is that the Vancouver Lions do, but the Lions image is one of voluntary, constructive, humanitarian contributions to those in need. When you say you have become a Lion people know you are demonstrating an interest in the welfare of your community.

The Opportunity To Serve
The Vancouver Lions Club is a service club. The best reasons for becoming a Lion are the chance to do as a group what we cannot hope to achieve on our own, to serve persons in our community, and to make the world a better place. Our motto is simple, but it says it all: “We Serve”.
A world of friends
When you join a Lions Club you become a member of the largest service club organization in the world. Lionism stretches around the world with over 1.36 million members and 46,000 clubs in 209 countries and geographical areas. As a member you receive a Lions lapel pin to wear, and no matter where you travel that pin identifies you as a person who cares. Lions are always quick to spot fellow Lions and to offer friendship and assistance.
Membership in a Lions Club offers opportunities for you to participate with a group helping those who are less fortunate rather than trying to help alone. Families and people in our communities have unmet needs, and Lions have accepted the challenge to help our fellow citizens. Giving within the group puts more impact, more effectiveness, behind our giving than if we stand alone. Together, we can accomplish so much more.
Exploit your talents
There are many opportunities as a Vancouver Lion to demonstrate your abilities: As an active committee member or chairman; As an organizer or leader of a fund-raising or social event; As a member of the Club's Board of Directors; As a Club, zone, district or Lions Clubs International officer. Every Vancouver Lion is recognized in the community as a leader beginning the moment they are inducted into Lions. And Lions offer some of the best leadership training and resources available, anywhere.
Great contacts
Some say it's not what you know but who you know that counts. As a member of the Vancouver Lions Club you can count on meeting and becoming friends with people well worth knowing. Membership places you in the company of many successful individuals from a variety of businesses, professions and endeavors. The collective wisdom of the group will astound you. Lions will be your friends, they will be your mentors, they will teach and guide you, and they will comfort and counsel you.

Nice People
Lions above all are nice people who genuinely want to give of their time, labor and means to assist others; And we always have a lot of fun while we are giving.
Lions clubs provide one of the most basic human needs: the need for friends and friendship.
Personal growth
Membership in a Lions club aids your growth and education in human relations and personal development.
Every Lions member has the opportunity, and is encouraged, to build leadership skills and to serve in a variety of positions at and above the club level.
Interesting speakers and programs at club meetings bring a range of views to the Club. LCI offers an extensive library of personal and leadership development programs.
Lions is fun. A lot of fun. Meetings are fun. Club projects are fun. Social activities are fun. And the service is fun.
Lions clubs organize many different activities throughout the community that provide entertainment as well as education.
Membership in a Lions club makes you more aware of your community. All Lions clubs have as a core value the goal to make the community they serves a better place to live, work and play. Lions focus community needs.
Every Lion is welcome to attend the more than 46,000 clubs in 209 nations and geographical areas of the world. Some 1.36 million men and women are Lions giving you instant friends both in your own and in the world's communities.

Lions “Do”
Wherever there is a need you will find Lions, actively involved, getting the job done. Lions are always ready to roll up their sleeves and find a solution. No job is too big or too small. Lions can do anything.
Public speaking
Many who have joined a Lions club were afraid to speak in public. Lions develops confidence and skill in public communication and the opportunity to practice leading a group and speaking in public in a friendly setting.
Travel assistance
There are Lions clubs everywhere. Help is only a phone call away. You can easily contact a local Lions club using the International Directory, no matter where you are. Lions are always quick to offer friendship and assistance.
Develop social skills
Lions is for people who like people. At Club meetings, at events and functions, the Vancouver Lions Club helps its members develop social and people skills.
Make a difference
As an individual you can have a limited impact, but as part of a group you can achieve so much more in your community, your country, and your world.
Family programs
Lions has a range of youth programs: Leo clubs, youth exchange and hosting, Lions Quest, Peace Poster contests, and other programs that involve children and families.
No “secrets”
Lions has no secret handshake, no secret policy, no secret meetings or rituals, no official creed. Lions is an open group of men and women who simply believe in helping others.
Lions embrace a wide range of programs that provide help for the disadvantaged, locally and internationally: Sightfirst— a worldwide program to eradicate preventable blindness, hearing dogs for the deaf or blind, the elimination of measles, prevention of human trafficking, mobility aids for children, and many more.
Around the world, practically every religion, country, culture, race, creed, political persuasion, language, color and ethnic identity is found in Lions clubs. Lions is a cross section of citizens from every background. Lions have a unique opportunity to become aware of other cultures, and learn to love and work with people everywhere.