he Vancouver Lions Club provides sight–related assistance through the Lions Sight Foundation of Clark County. All requests for eyeglasses or other vision assistance are administered by the Sight Foundation.
The Foundation provides free or low–cost eyeglasses to residents of Clark County, Washington who otherwise can not afford or pay for their vision needs.
The Foundation is governed by volunteers from the 12 Lions clubs that are located in Clark County, Washington. Representatives from each Lions club located in Clark County meet once a month to consider applications for vision assistance that have been submitted to the Foundation during the previous month.
Applications for vision assistance must be received on or before the last Friday of the month to be considered at the next monthly meeting.
The Lions Sight Foundation Of Clark County does not have a telephone number or a public email address. All applications for vision assistance must either be mailed to P.O. Box 1804, Vancouver, Washington 98668, or submitted therough the Sight Foundation's online application form.
Applicants who submit complete applications will be notified of the Fondation's decision in writing within 10 business days after the meeting.
The requirements for vison assistance from the Lions Sight Foundation Of Clark County are:
- Residence in Clark County, Washington for more than 1 year.
- Need based on income.
- No other source of funding for the services.
- A vision problem.
- A completed application for vision assistance.
PLEASE NOTE: The Foundation wants to help you with your qualified sight assistance needs, but everything starts with an application for assistance. The Sight Foundation can not do anything relating to a request for vision assistance until it has received a completed application for assistance. The application must be submitted directly to the Sight Foundation— the Vancouver Lions Club cannot submit an appication to the Sight Foundation for you.
For further information, write to the Foundation at P.O. Box 1804, Vancouver, Washington 98668, visit the Sight Foundation's website, or send an email to the Vancouver Lions Club's Sight Foundation representative.