he Vancouver Lions Club provides thousands of hours to community service projects and donates thousands of dollars to local charities from fund–raising activities, year in and year out. The Club has engaged in many different fund–raising activites over it's 90–plus year history.
Recent 's fund–raising activities include:
- Manufacture and sale of calendars featuring photographs taken by blind or visually impaired students;
- The annual “Two Tickets To Paradise” (a/k/a “Hawaiian Holiday For Two”) vacation raffle;
- A Duck Derby rubber ducky race raffle;
- Octoberfest celebrations;
- The Emil B. Fries Memorial golf tournaments;
- First aid kit sales;
- White Cane Days fund drive for sight;
- Relay For Life;
- Golden Ears fund drive for hearing;
- Holiday bell ringing for the Salvation Army annual fund drive;
- Wrapping gifts for holiday shoppers;
- Pacific Northwest Poultry Association raffles;
- Collecting tickets at local High School football games;
- Entertainment Book© sales (remember those?).
- And more…